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Programs to Serve the Community

We are the only organization of our kind in Ecuador working to support our community by strengthening  individuals through a unique blend of capacity building trainings, economic empowerment projects and by leveraging national and international partnerships and resources.  When you support us you are helping to make all the initiatives below possible. 

Our Initiatives & Projects

Our Change Maker NGO Partners

Get to know the 9 different community organizations that are part of our Changemaker program.

Take Part: Volunteer Programs

We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Hearts of Gold. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our efforts and help strengthen our operations.


Amelia Project

The Amelia Project aims to support pregnant women in vulnerable situations, with the delivery of a complete diaper bag for the baby and the mother, as well as with the accompaniment in their first months of life.


All Children Deserve To Dream

This project aims to promote respect for the rights of children and adolescents in Ecuador, giving them the opportunity to dare to dream, encouraging in them the desire to build a better tomorrow.


Emergency Help

Get involved in critical emergency  situations affecting our community, surrounding areas and all of Ecuador.  We can always use an extra sets of hands during difficult times. 


500 Chimborazo L-3 & Esmeraldas,

Cuenca, Ecuador

Registered Ecuadorian Charity: RUC 0190395251001

Phone: 099 865 3096

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© 2023 Hearts of Gold Ecuador

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