You made our dreams come true! Thanks to all your support, our 2nd annual 4th of July celebration was a huge success. This year we are extremely proud to announce that over 300 people attended the barbeque and helped us raise a total of $18,435.39 to go towards positive change in our community!
Because this was our second year throwing the barbeque, the event was especially important to us. To the Hearts of Gold team, this year represented the convergence of celebrating past successes and looking forward to huge progress in the future. A lot of hard work has been put into making a home for Hearts of Gold in the Cuenca community, but it is because of your unwavering support that we have been able to create a solid basis for change we hope to inspire in our community.
The fact that over 300 people showed up to our event this year means more than words can express. It demonstrates to us that there are hundreds of people who have genuinely believe in our vision and plan on working with us, not only for the first phase, but to see our mission through. Creating a market with the vendors of AgroAzuay and hearing the children of El Arenal sing their beautiful song this year symbolized the steps already taken to effect change in Cuenca. You all have played a huge role in supporting local vendors and ensuring that Cuenca’s children stay well educated and well fed. Natasha Verkley, Hearts of Gold Director, spoke about how much it means not only to us but for the whole city, that there are so many people dedicated to bettering the lives of Cuenca’s residents. The caring and generous spoiits that filled Caballo Campana at our event are the backbone to our conviction in the work we do.
The second barbeque also represented future projects we hope will enhance the livelihood of our community. Now that we have had some time to establish ourselves, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to meet more needs of the community. This year we heard from the Prefecta about our new project, the establishment of the first food bank in the province of Azuay. We are extremely proud to be partnering with the prefectura to create this new project in hopes of feeding thousands of people who otherwise, don’t have the means to properly feed themselves. Johanna Vaca, Hearts of Gold’s program director, spoke to us about a new campaign to sponsor the children of the Arenal market vendors to allow them access to education and nutritious food. It is with your support, we are able to put these plans into action. These projects are close to our hearts, and just by attending our event, you have shown they are close to yours as well.
Thank you all so much joining us to celebrate the 4th of July this year. Thank you for dancing, laughing, drinking, shopping, and most of all, for fueling our hope in a better future for the people of Cuenca! You are our heroes!